Forventet parring i juli 2024

Love and Dreams Letty Ortiz

HD: A | ED: 0 | DM: N/N | Locus-D: DD

Lidt om Letty

Manitou ze Zevlova (Charlie)

HD: A | ED: 0 | DM: N/N | Locus-D: DD

A little story about our CP male Charlie (Manitou ze Zevlova dvora).

Charlie has grown up in our family with our Belgian Bouvier Barry and 4 cats. He likes to play and tease the cats now and then by chasing them, but he is also very sweet to them.

Charlie is a very kind, sweet, cheerful and friendly dog. He has a huge will to please and enjoys our long walks, running next to the bicycle and playing with al kinds of toys. But the main joy he gets is from any action together with us.

He is not over-protective but stand for his family if needed (Both for us and for Barry). He does not bark often, not even when the door-bell rings, is friendly to strangers, but cautious and if he does not trust a person, he clearly shows it. In the house Charlie is relaxed and calm. If we are at our sitting room or dinner table, he will be near to us. When we have visitors in our house, he greets them and if all are seated, he will lay down close to us.

Charlie is not picky on food but eats everything and is very fixated on food, which helps in our training. He is not impressed nor scared quickly by new things or sudden noises or actions Like fireworks or other loud sounds).

The training activities with Charlie when he was young are Puppy training, Social Housedog training and Behaviour & Obedience training. Last year during our holiday in Denmark, we were invited by Louise and Patrick to join them and get a feeling for Sheepherding. This was great fun for us, Charlie and Barry so we also started with a course back home in the Netherlands after the holiday. Besides the Sheepherding we also do Balance & Coordination courses and Advanced Behaviour & Obedience training with our dogs. Charlie is very eager for any action, likes to learn something new and learns very quickly.

His behaviour towards other dogs is OK in general. Much depends on the other dog’s energy and state of mind. Charlie is not a fighter and running free with other dogs usually goes very well. He is good in reading other dogs and always goes to meet them. He loves to play with other dogs known or unknown to him. If dogs show fear or hesitation, then he loves to chase them. If they show aggression then he simply moves away, unless his brother Barry appears to be in danger, then he stays and shows off as impressive as possible but even then, it rarely comes to real encounters. Older dogs are greeted gently and simply left in peace.

We are very happy with Charlie in our family and with the choice we made to get acquainted with the great Chodsky Pes breed. Charlie was our immediate and first choice from the litter and he grew up to be a beautiful and lovely dog that we would not want to miss for anything in the world.